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Class Information & Etiquette

Group Classes


If you have booked a block or subscription, you must use your classes within the time period - any missed sessions will be forfeited and do not roll over.


Location & Parking

Classes (excluding Lead & Learn) are held at Grendon Dog Field - Noddy's Field which can be found on Google Maps near Tamworth. When you arrive, please park in the carpark and keep your dog in the car until called in. If you get lost, please ring.


What to Expect

This is a continuation class rather than a course. Exercises and skills will be repeated and polished. You are welcome to come for as long as you enjoy doing so. As with anything, the more you practice, the better you will be! Pictures will be taken of you and your dog during classes and may be posted to social media. If you aren't happy for photos of you or your dog to be posted, please let us know at the earliest opportunity and we will be happy to oblige. If your dog struggles with the class and I deem it not beneficial to your dog, I may take you to the side and discuss alternative options with you. 121 advice cannot be given - you will need to book a 121 with me for personal training problems.



Classes will be cancelled or cut short if I deem the weather to be inappropriate for the dogs, including extreme heat and extreme storms. Classes will still go ahead in all normal British weather and I would encourage you to dress for the occasion. During winter, the field can get muddy so please wear appropriate footwear.


What to Bring

Please bring your dog on a normal training lead and a collar or harness with a mat for them to lie on, their favourite toy and plenty of treat variety. Well-fitted headcollars are accepted if absolutely necessary for strength. No retractable leads please. I would advise against the use of a slip lead for training, especially with dogs that pull. Prongs and shock collars are not welcome in my classes.


Training Methods

I am a reward-based trainer and utilise motivation and relationship to build training skill. I do not endorse physical abuse or harsh corrections. Please do not book if you are expecting old-fashioned training similar to that of Barbara Woodhouse, Cesar Milan or some of the current dog trainers seen on TV or TikTok! In class, we motivate using treats, toys, the environment and praise.


Class Etiquette

The other dogs in your class may be yellow (reactive/unfriendly/need space) so please keep your dog near to you, on a lead at all times and respect everyone's space as you enter and exit the field, as well as during classes. As a rule I suggest keeping a 6 foot distance from other dogs unless you have met before and are comfortable with each other. Please treat everyone with kindness, including me! I am a small business and take great pride in my work. 


For further terms and conditions, please click here.

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